Phase 3:

Book Sales Automation

Master the steps behind automating your book sales for long term success. The final phase is more than just running paid Amazon ads to drive ongoing sales for your book; it’s also about improving your organic search ranking and even sending external traffic to the book listing.

Learn how to get traffic, how to convert and how to achieve high retention rates, in order to get book sales consistently.

How To Monitor & Optimize Your Amazon Book Ads


How To Leverage Accolades


Upon winning a book award, achieving Best-Seller status, or receiving recognition from a reputable figure in your field, such as a renowned author or industry expert, you will want to ensure you leverage your accolades effectively. This can be done by prominently featuring the award or recognition in the book description, author bio, A+ Content, and any promotional material associated with your book.

Additionally, you can update your info on various platforms, including your website and social media profiles, to showcase the achievement. For instance, you might include a banner or badge indicating your Best-Seller status on your website’s homepage or share an announcement post on social media highlighting the award you’ve received. By strategically incorporating these accolades into your marketing efforts, you can enhance your book’s credibility, attract more readers, and establish yourself as a reputable author in your genre.



Here’s how one author updated their A+ Content main banner to showcase their book award.




Then, the author included a line at the start of their book description.
Winner of the 2024 Winter Pencraft Book Award in the Category of Music!




Broaden Your Books Distribution


Consider the expanded reach and enhanced distribution options available by publishing your book on IngramSpark. IngramSpark provides a broader scope by making your book available to a vast network of global retailers, bookstores, and libraries. This wider distribution can significantly increase the discoverability of your work, reaching audiences beyond the confines of a single platform.

With expanded distribution channels your book gains the potential to captivate a larger audience and establish a stronger presence in the literary market. This strategic move not only amplifies your book’s visibility but also positions you for broader recognition and potential sales growth. 

Additional Book Formats


Expand the appeal and accessibility of your book by considering new formats on Amazon. While traditional paperback and eBook editions are popular choices, exploring additional formats can attract a wider range of readers and enhance the overall reading experience.

Consider offering audiobook versions for those who prefer listening on the go, or adding a hardcover option to your lineup to provide readers with a premium reading experience and enhance the shelf presence of your book. By diversifying your book formats, you not only cater to different reader preferences but also can reach a broader audience.


The primary method for producing an Audiobook is through, as it’s an all-in-one service for independent authors. is a platform owned by Audible (an Amazon company) that connects authors, publishers, and rights holders with professional narrators, producers, and studios to create audiobooks. Authors can either hire a narrator/producer to create an audiobook through a royalty share or pay for production upfront. Once produced, these audiobooks are distributed through Audible, Amazon, and iTunes, allowing authors to reach a wide audience of listeners. ACX provides a convenient platform for audiobook production and distribution, making it accessible for authors to expand their book offerings into the booming audiobook market.


Expand Amazon Ad Markets


By now you’re likely running Amazon ads across at least 3 of the primary English speaking markets; USA, UK, Canada and Australia. Once you’ve established your ad campaigns in these markets, consider expanding into other international markets as they will contain English speakers within! For example; Germany, France and Italy are among some of the other large markets with a considerable English speaking audience.

By strategically targeting international audiences through Amazon ads, you can introduce your book to readers in untapped markets, increasing its visibility and potential for sales.Through targeted Amazon ads in new markets, you can effectively broaden your book’s reach and maximize its impact on a global scale.


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