Join the Scribando Reader Club and get:

  • Alerts on selected free or highly discounted ebooks
  • The chance to provide feedback to authors
  • The chance to spread the word about new books
  • Early access to fantastic non-fiction books
  • Surprise gifts and cash compensation for your book launch contributions

The Scribando Reader Club is an exclusive club with only 50 members and is personally managed by Chrissy from the Scribando Team. We offer access to amazing new books for free, fantastic surprise gifts, perks, and cash compensation to readers of non-fiction, who support book launches by spreading the word, and providing book reviews and feedback.

Head Of The Scribando Reader Club

Albert Griesmayr

Chrissy Metge

Chrissy is managing projects at Scribando and is the head of the Scribando Reader Club. If you are an avid reader of non-fiction, she is happy to hear from you.